And some words from our sponsors....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saddiq Raffali at 9:40am March 15 Happy

Saddiq Raffali at 9:40am March 15

When you walk through a storm
hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky

And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ouija board... Believe it or not?

The Ouija Board usually requires a minimum of two people to operate it. It is very rare that one person has the power to operate the board. Let's go for RARE :) Here's the interesting part. Use your mouse or mouse pad to replace your Ouija marker.

Remember place the tip of only one finger on the pad. The fingertip should only gently touch the pad.

Simply starts by asking a simple question, such as " is there a spirit present?". If there is no response the question should continued to be asked.

Your mouse cursor will eventually moves and answers the question. The first time you use a OUIJA BOARD is quite startling.

It is helpful to write down the questions you wish to ask before you start. It is also helpful to have a friend writing down the answers as you go for future reference.

Once you become experienced at the Ouija Board you will find the pace of responses coming from the Ouija will increase. In fact sometimes the mouse will speed across your monitor at such great speeds it is almost impossible to keep up.

It should be noted that sometimes the communication will be in foreign languages or sometimes it is English backwards. The responses you get from the Ouija Board will really depend on your attitude and commitment to the Ouija Board.

The big question many people ask me about the Ouija Board is if they are truly making contact with spirits and the answer is probably. It should be noted that when people are blindfolded, the Ouija board operators are unable to produce any sort of intelligible messages. Psychologists believe the motion of the plainchant on the Ouija board is explained by the ideomotor effect.

So, why don't you give it a whiff and start communicating...Muhahahaha!

Kuasa Mutlak

Sudah lama aku di sini. Terbaring di atas permukaan lantai. Aku dapat merasakan amarahku membuak-buak. Aku berguling-guling tanpa henti menahannya. Jika aku berhenti berguling jiwa ini seolah-olah meletup. Aku menumbuk lantai, meleraikan segala perasaan yang terpendam dan aku menjerit sepuas-puasnya. Tidak lama selepas itu aku hanya tersandar di dinding, tubuhku terasa amat lemah malah seluruh tenagaku habis begitu saja. Aku perlu berehat.Melupakan segala yang berlaku ke atas diriku. Lantas aku cuba melelapkan mataku. itupun jika tindakanku ini dapat membantuku berehat.

Malangnya amarahku datang semula. Kali ini lebih teruk dari tadi sehinggakan aku terasa lemas. Aku menjerit. Menjerit tanpa henti. Aku memaksa diriku untuk melompat. Lompat dan terus melompat. Ada satu tenaga di dalam tubuhku yang semakin memuncak. Tenaga yang mampu merobek semangat sesiapa sahaja. Saat aku meluahkan perasaan yang terbuku di dalam diriku, tenaga ini terus meningkat sekaliganda. Tindak-tandukku semakin liar, tidak boleh diramalkan. Aku jadi takut dengan apa yang berlaku ke atas diriku sekarang…

Mengapa aku masih di tempat sebegini? Apakah salahku? Aku benci mereka. Bagaimana rasanya jika aku pijak-pijak mereka sehingga mereka hancur lunyai? Tapi..aku tak mahu mencederakan mereka. Mereka ibarat monyet-monyet sarkis yang tertunggu-tunggu arahan dari tuannya. Tapi siapa pula tuannya? Hanya melalui jeritan atau tumbukan ke lantai dapat mengelakkan aku daripada melepaskan kemarahanku terhadap mereka yang menganiayaiku. Aku sedar aku mampu mencederakan mereka, tetapi tidak mahu berbuat demikian. Sebab itu aku lari dan menjerit untuk meredakan tekanan di dalam diriku. Semakin lantang aku menjerit semakin aku dapat mengawal kemarahanku. Aku akan manafaatkan sepenuhnya tenaga baru yang terkumpul di tubuhku ini. Masa dan peluangnya belum lagi muncul. Kita tunggu dan lihat!

Tamat bahagian 1

Sahabatku sungguh pandai menulis...