And some words from our sponsors....

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Saddiq Raffali. Love by some, hated by plenty but wanted by many...

Hi guys!
My name is Saddiq and I've just turned 27 last weekend. When you passed a certain age you want to do something new and exciting. So I've decided to blog. I want to response to others' blog too. For example, both my sisters Jannah and Ana just declared war with a celebrity and I don't want to miss it. Well, Even my brother Acat mention something about pulling a "Natasha". Hehehe!
I want to add something..

Pulling a Natasha

Who say life is unfair? I've Just came back from my lair.
From phooning around and back into my mound,
A new story is being untold effectively. It's about a girl who wants to fool the world silly.
But instead got crashed and burned horridly, Oh my!

Go Jane, Go Ana, Go Acat...

Saddiq Raffali


ms. ana said...

yay!! welcome to blogsphere, bro!! you simply must blog what you've been up to lately. rindu la beb!!


Jannah said...

Dude. You kena update selalu tau. Rindu kamu. Moga sukses selalu. Go Saddiq!

Unknown said...

Hai Saddiq..

Selamat blogging... welcome to the club , updatelah ape2 yang patut kat kami semua..take care bro.


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